Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Tuesday morning opened a national working conference and 2011 Legislative-Executive National Awakening Party (PKB) Program Cooperation Forum.

PKB held the national working conference on March 15 and 16, 2011, and legislative and executive cooperation program from April 3 to 5, 2011.

The two events were attended by 1,202 participants who are the party`s executives from throughout Indonesia.

A number of Moslem leaders also attended the PKB meetings, including KH Dimyati Rais from Kendal, Habib Lutfi from Pekalongan, KH Nawawi Abdul Jalil from Pasuruan, KH Muzakki Syah from Jember, and KH Aziz Manonjaya from Tasikmalaya.

Seen attending the opening ceremony were Suryadharma Ali, the general chairman of the United Development Party and also other political party leaders such as Edhi Baskoro from the Democrat Party and Setya Novanto from Golkar Party. (*)


Editor: Ruslan Burhani
Copyright © ANTARA 2011