Tripoli (ANTARA News/AFP) - Libya`s Kadhafi regime on Friday offered rebels controlling the port of Misrata an amnesty if they stop fighting, the government spokesman said.

A justice ministry statement, cited by spokesman Mussa Ibrahim at a news conference, called on "all armed groups in Misrata to lay down their weapons in exchange for an amnesty".

The offer was good until Tuesday, he said, adding the government would allow the fighters to leave Libya`s third largest city if they surrender.

NATO warships earlier Friday stopped Kadhafi forces from laying anti-ship mines in Misrata`s harbour, the alliance said, accusing the regime of trying to disrupt the flow of aid to the city which has been besieged for two months.

"The sea-mines were being laid two to three kilometres offshore and in the approaches to Misrata by deliberately sinking the inflatable boats on which they were being carried," NATO said in a statement.

Three mines were found early Friday and were being disarmed, the 28-nation alliance said.

Ibrahim confirmed an earlier report that ships entering the port would be targeted.

He also said that "armed gangs are trying to make mischief between Tunisia and Libya and to create a humanitarian crisis in the region to justify an intervention by NATO".

Tunis on Thursday accused Libya of violating its territorial integrity after rebels and Kadhafi forces clashed at a border crossing. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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