Sanaa (ANTARA News/AFP) - Tens of thousands rallied in Sanaa on Friday to "reject" Yemen`s dependence on the United States and Saudi Arabia, saying badly burned President Ali Abdullah Saleh was "politically dead" after a TV appearance.

Meanwhile, thousands of Saleh supporters staged a rival rally in the capital`s southern district on what they have named "The Friday of thanks" over Saleh`s health, chanting "The people want Ali Abdullah Saleh."

In Sittine Road, west of Sanaa, anti-Saleh protesters gathered carrying banners reading: "Saudis and Americans, keep out of Yemen`s affairs" and "Ali Saleh is politically dead."

A similar rally took place in Yemen`s second-largest city Taez, south of Sanaa.

Saleh, 69, has been hospitalised in Saudi Arabia, and out of the public eye, since he was badly injured in a bomb attack at his presidential palace last. Amid growing speculation over his condition, he finally appeared on Yemeni television on Thursday night.

His face burned and his hands covered with bandages, Saleh, who spoke from a hospital in Saudi Arabia where he has been receiving medical treatment. He was barely recognisable and sat stiffly as he spoke in the pre-recorded statement.

"Saleh`s appearance was meant to boost his loyalists` morale and to pressure the opposition to to accept his son and relatives in political life in Yemen," Mohammed al-Asal, a member of the youth revolt`s information committee, told AFP.

Vice President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi has faced mounting domestic and international pressure to assume power after Saleh.

But Hadi`s grip on power is seen as shaky as Saleh relatives continue to run main security systems. Key among them is Saleh`s son, Ahmed, who leads the elite Republican Guard. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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