Brasilia (ANTARA News/Xinhua-OANA) - At least nine people, including one operator of the elevator, were killed on Tuesday when an elevator came down from a 20-meter height in a building under construction in the most expensive area in the city of Salvador de Bahia, Northeast Brazil, local police said.

The accident happened due to the brake of a security cable, according to the testimonies of the staff working in the building.

The chief of the police station Jussara Santos denied the elevator of the business building "Thome de Sousa" was working above its capacity.

"The elevator can carry the capacity for 12 people, and as far as we know, there were only nine people. We are going to find the one responsible for the accident," Santos said.

The one responsible for the tragic accident will have to face homicide intent charges, Santos said, adding that the investigation has to be finished within 30 days.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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