"So far, some 80 schools have been verified as eligible to receive rehabilitation funds from DAK. Only those able to meet certain requirements can receive the aid," said the head of Manado`s education office, Dante Tombeng, here Tuesday.
He explained there were technical guidelines on DAK that made a distinction between physical and non physical aid. Physical aid was already to be given but non-physical aid was still blocked by technical problems at the Ministry of Education.
Therefore, Tombeng said, he had given an instruction to his staff to prepare all the things needed in order to work on the project immediately while guidelines on non -physical aid were being prepared.
He also said that 2011 is the first time the funds aid was not restricted, however it depends on how many schools that ask for this program, as long as the schools are able to fulfill the requirement and the funds are sufficient. Even if the schools ask for a new building, DAK will be provided as long as there is a land and students.
"I hope at council recess there will be aspirations asking about school buildings rehabilitation or procurement of the library, so that we can put it in the list of verification," Tombeg said.
The data from Manado Education Agency tells that DAK will allocate Rp16.5 billion for Elementary School (SD), meanwhile there are Rp6.5 billion for Junior High School. This year the rehabilitation is focused on Elementary School because the Junior High already received many aids from central government.
Meanwhile the legislators from Provincial House of Council are reminding Manado Education Agency to be careful on doing physical and non-physical projects which are using DAK.
"Government should do all physical and non-physical project carefully to not trip over legal issues, therefore do not compromise to avoid problems," said vice chairman of Provincial House of Council Amir Liputo.
He said that they will keep an eye on the projects which are using DAK in order to avoid problems. Moreover the aim of this program is to improve the welfare of the society through education.
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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