Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government should develop five energy sectors in order to build its national energy resilience, namely gas, geothermal, solar power generators, coal and nuclear, a minister said.

"The five aspects will be able to fulfill the country`s energy resilience in the long run if they are developed based on the government`s general energy principles." State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan told a national seminar on national energy policy and sovereignty towards national energy resilience here on Monday.

Dahlan said that the government should change its pattern of fuel oils (BBM) consumption because the oil production continued to drop while gas production continued to increase.

In such a current condition, commercial vehicles should no longer use fuel oils but compressed natural gas (CNG), or electricity.

"Trucks must be directed to using CNG while motorcycles to using electricity energy," the minister said.

Apart from that, Dahlan who is also a former president director of state-owned electricity firm PLN, said in order to overcome the shortage of power supply during the peak burden the gas allocation for PLN should be increased.

He said that in order to overcome problem of high power demand during the peak burden, PLN was now building mini CNGs throughout Indonesia and was now in trial test in Jambi.(*)

Editor: Aditia Maruli Radja
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