The police were also investigating the possibility that corruption was committed in the construction or maintenance of the bridge and now still collecting relevant data and proof.
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The police will soon name suspects over the collapse of the Kartanegara bridge in Kutai Kartanegara district, East Kalimantan, which killed 22 people and caused 14 others to go missing, a spokesman said.

"Tomorrow (Saturday), we will conduct an overall review of the case to determine the suspects over the bridge`s collapse," Commissioner General Sutarman, head of the National Police`s Criminal Investigation Department, said here Friday.

The case review would take place at the office of the East Kalimantan Police Headquarters in Samarinda, he said, adding that based on experts` testimonies, the suspects would be people who were involved in the bridge`s construction and maintenance.

In their investigation of the case, the police had questioned a total of 53 witnesses ,including four construction experts, namely one from Gajah Mada University, one from the Institute for Goods and Services Procurement Research and Development, one from the Surabaya November 10 Institute (ITS), one from the Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) and a criminal law expert.

The police were also investigating the possibility that corruption was committed in the construction or maintenance of the bridge and now still collecting relevant data and proof.

After all the relevant data and evidence had been collected,, they would be handed to the Financial and Development Control Agency (BPKP) to determine whether any loss was suffered by the state by the bridge`s collapse, Sutarman said.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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