Pamekasan, Madura (ANTARA News) - An outbreak of poisonous insects, known as Tomcat rove beetles, has again struck, infecting Islamic elementary teacher Martoyo in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java.

He was stung about 10 days ago while helping family members to harvest rice in their field. He has reportedly not been able to teach for the last week.

"There was a bug on my thigh while I was in the paddy field and I killed it," said Martoyo.

He said within a few hours his thigh developed a red rash, which later felt like a burn-like injury.

Martoyo later had it checked by a doctor in Pademawu sub-district.

The doctor advised that the beetle, a small red insect, must not be killed while on a person because it is highly poisonous.

Reports of Tomcat rove beetles attacking residents in Pamekasan began when the rice harvest season started.

The poisonous beetle has been recorded to have attacked several sub-districts in Pamekasan, including the Kota and Pademawu sub-district in Lawangan Daja Village, Pademawu District, in Brumbung Hamlet.

According to Pamekasan Medical Officer Chief Ismail Bey, Pamekasan residents are able to recognize the spreading disease because of earlier media reports about the Tomcat outbreak in Surabaya.

In East Java, rove beetles have infected some 560 people in 12 districts, and has reportedly reached provinces in Central and West Java.

So far, however, no victims have developed serious infections in other provinces in Java. But the presence of this poisonous insect in Central Java, Yogyakarta, West Java, Jakarta and Banten has caused fear among residents.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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