The Directorate of PSDKP, Syahrin said that these six foreign ships arrested as a result for not having Fisheries Business License (Business License) and Fishing License (SIPI) from the government of Indonesia and fishing activity in the WPP NKR. Meanwhile, these five foreign ships which came from Thailand named Khanom Cun 2 with Ship Crew (ABK) of 11 people were arrested at the position of N 05016'04'' 098014'05 "BT, Kyaw SIN 23 with 9 ship crews were arrested at the position of 05022'05 "N - 098010'01 "BT, while the KHANOM CUN 4 with 11 ship crews were arrested at the position of 05024'03 "N - 098011'09" BT.
Furthermore, the foreign ship of KYAW SIN 12 with 11 ship crews were arrested in the position of 05016'539" LU - 098014'237" BT. At last, Kyaw SIN 9 with 10 ship crews were arrested at the position of 05019'540 "LU - 098021'580" BT. Thailand illegal ship along with the fish were immediately brought to the dock Belawan, North Sumatra in order to undergo an intensive investigation, while the total of Ship Crews, whom successfully secured with a total of 52 people of Thailand and Myanmar nationals. While Vietnam ships suspected conduct illegal violations by illegal fishing in Natuna Sea WPP NKRI and the ship was not equipped with a document was escorted to Kijang, Tanjung Pinang, and Riau Islands Province.
Foreign ships that came from Thailand has violated Article 5 paragraph (1) letter (b) Jo articel 92 Jo article 93 paragraph (2) Jo article 86 paragraph (1) Act no. 45 Year 2009 on amendment of Act no. 31 of 2004 on fishery using forbidden fishing gear, Trawl. In addition, other foreign ships which was came from Vietnam arrested at the position of 01029'505 "LU-104059'312" BT in the waters of Bintan, South China Sea. The foreign ship including 91375 TS with 13 ship crews whom all the crews come from Vietnam," said Syahrin.
MMAF through PSDKP continues to control the marine waters of Indonesia to improve surveillance in order to minimize fishing and other marine biota theft. Therefore, PSDKP targetted to 2014 to control several activities of integrated SDKP and WPP utilization in Indonesia and compliance the infrastructure in an accountable and timely manner. PSDKP initially to improve coordination with traffic law enforcement at sea through improved coordination of operation implementation with Bakorkamla, TNI-AL, Polair, TNI-AU, and SDKP in the area of supervision institution. In addition, the application of the Integrated Surveillance System (ISS) as well as to increase community participation in monitoring the implementation of SDKP (Pokmaswas), in national, regional and international level.
For further information, please contact Indra Sakti, SE., MM, Head of Data, Statistics and Information Center, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Mobile 0818159705)
Reporter: Okta
Editor: PR Wire
Copyright © ANTARA 2012