"Governors, district heads and mayors should also prepare similar plans in their respective regions," the Vice President said.
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Vice President Boediono has asked ministers and heads of state institutions to work out annual national strategic action plans on corruption prevention and elimination and mechanisms for supervising their implementation.

"Governors, district heads and mayors should also prepare similar plans in their respective regions," the Vice President said at the National Development Planning Agency (Beppenas) building here on Wednesday.

The Vice President made the request when he addressed the popularization of Presidential Decree No. 55 / 2012 on Long-term National Corruption Prevention and Elimination Strategy (Stranas PPK) 2012 - 2025 and Middle Term 2012 - 2014.

He said that the Bappenas could provide assistance for ministries and state institutions, if required.

He added that the progress of the action plan implementation would be monitored nationally and would be made public.

The Vice President said that the implementation of the Stranas PPK was not a separate activity but was integrated into the national planning and budgeting process in respective institutions.

Vice President Boediono asked the home affairs minister and his ranks and files to work out a regional action plan on the PPK as contained in article 5 of Presidential Decree No. 55/ 2012.

He said that the Presidential Decree 55 / 2012 was issued as a consequence of the Indonesian government`s steps to ratify the UN Convention on Anti-Corruption 2003 with the issuance of Law No. 7/ 2006.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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