"The soldiers should maintain a neutral stance during the 2014 general elections. There should be no compromise on this matter. We will punish all those personnel who violate the rules," Army Chief of Staff General Budiman said.
Serang, Banten Province (ANTARA News) - All soldiers found violating the rules by adopting a non-neutral stance during the upcoming 2014 general elections should be punished, stated Army Chief of Staff General Budiman.

"The soldiers should maintain a neutral stance during the 2014 general elections. There should be no compromise on this matter. We will punish all those personnel who violate the rules," Budiman noted here on Thursday.

He emphasized that the soldiers should remain neutral, despite the fact that there are several former Indonesia Military (TNI) officers who have become political party leaders and are participating in the upcoming legislative general election.

According to Budiman, the army upholds the rights of the officers who have become members of political parties with the aim of establishing national democracy.

"The Army and the TNI are part of a democratic country. That is why we choose to remain neutral. We urge the former officers to not engage the security officers to perform tasks that promote their respective political parties," Budiman pointed out.

Meanwhile, Budiman explained that the Army offers full freedom to the families of its soldiers to utilize their voting rights in choosing the president and legislative members.

"The Army gives the necessary rights and freedom to the families of the soldiers to choose their options because they fully understand their duties as responsible citizens. Choose the best of the best for their delegation and president," the Chief noted.

The Army Chief also instructed the territorial military officers to ensure security in local areas and avoid friction among people that support the political parties.

The Army Chief also urged the soldiers to assist the people of Banten by ensuring their welfare through the development of education, health, and discipline.

"Banten has immense potential, however, we should work towards improving the welfare of the people. It is the Armys duty to improve the welfare of Indonesians," added Budiman.

The General also noted that the soldiers should secure the resources in Banten, including PT Krakatau Steel, PT Krakatau Posco, gold mines, and coal mines.

Several high-level officers of the TNI also attended the assembly including Military Regional Commander III of Siliwangi Major General Dedy Kusnadi Thamim.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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