#disaster early warning

Collection of disaster early warning news, found 45 news.

Indonesia's BNPB calls for integrated method to assess disaster risk

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has emphasized the need for an integrated calculation methodology to ...

Disaster education must reach smallest unit of society: MPR

Disaster simulation exercises and education must be promoted down to the smallest unit of society, namely neighborhoods ...

Central Java: 30 regions declare emergency response status

At least 30 districts/cities in Central Java have declared emergency response status to prepare for potential drought ...

Indonesia seeks real action from UN's WMO to solve potential disasters

The Indonesian government deemed it crucial for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), as the special earth and ...

Calling for disaster early warning system at World Water Forum

Disaster early warning systems play a critical role in saving more lives and assuaging the impacts of ...

World Water Forum 2024

Seaweed center launched, disaster warning discussed at water forum

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment launched the International Tropical Seaweed Research ...

World Water Forum 2024

 World Water Forum discusses community-based disaster warning

The 10th World Water Forum in Bali on Wednesday discussed how community-based disaster warning systems are the most ...

World Water Forum 2024

World Water Forum - UN agency outlines two ways to prevent water crisis

The United Nations' Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has highlighted two measures ...

BMKG stresses important role of women in early warning of disasters

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) underscored the importance of increasing women's ...

BNPB improves multi-hazard early warning systems

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) is committed to continuing to improve the multi-hazard early warning ...

BMKG urges Indonesians to learn about disaster preparedness

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has urged all Indonesians to gather knowledge about disaster ...

BNPB conducts disaster early warning simulation to anticipate eruption

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) and the Probolinggo Disaster Mitigation Agency (Probolinggo BPBD) held a ...

2024 budget prioritizes disaster resilience, climate change: BMKG

The budget for 2024 focuses on developing the environment, improving disaster resiliency, and increasing climate change ...

USAID project to promote sustainable cocoa, coffee production

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a new project to promote sustainable cocoa ...

BNPB trains community to anticipate eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has held a workshop to strengthen the early warning system for the ...