#rice commodity

Collection of rice commodity news, found 5 news.

Strengthening agriculture to support food security in new capital city

Indonesia's government currently prioritizes completing development of the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara, East ...

Party leaders discuss Indonesia's global role during president banquet

- were also present. Zulkifli Hasan, as the new trade minister, was inaugurated alongside Hadi Tjahjanto, taking ...

Ombudsman presses for evaluating Highest Retail Price policy for rice

The Highest Retail Price (HET) policy for the rice commodity should be evaluated to adjust it to the current conditions ...

Central Sulawesi has surplus production of rice commodity

Central Sulawesi Governor Longki Djanggola stated that the food security condition, especially with regard to the ...

FAO to confer award on Indonesia

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will confer an award on Indonesia in Rome, Italy, in mid June 2013 for its ...