#tug of war

Collection of tug of war news, found 22 news.

Welcoming investment, tech opportunities following Apple negotiations

Apple enthusiasts in Indonesia will soon see an end to their long wait as the US giant technology company, Apple, ...

KRI Diponegoro-365: Showcasing RI's maritime might in Lebanon mission

The Indonesian warship KRI Diponegoro-365 has perfectly illustrated Indonesia’s might as a formidable maritime ...

Some 10,000 visitors throng TMII during long holiday

Some 10 thousand visitors crowded the Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (TMII) in East Jakarta on Friday during the ...

Film Board calls for national film master plan

The Indonesian Film Board (BPI) has urged the government to create a national film master plan (RIPN), as mandated by ...

South Kalimantan hosting traditional sports week

The South Kalimantan provincial government is holding the local traditional sports week (Portada) from March ...

The question of workers' welfare and 2023 minimum wage determination

In 2022, Indonesia has faced challenges in the labor sector, especially related to policies for maintaining ...

Social Affairs Ministry disburses aid for children in Batam islands

The Social Affairs Ministry disbursed social rehabilitation assistance for 220 children and residents living in buffer ...

News Feature

On Independence Day of Indonesia, fun games everywhere!

A young girl led a team of five children on the traditional tug of war rope game. “Come on, pull harder!” ...

President Jokowi attends 21st Asean-China Summit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended the 21st ASEAN-China Summit held in Singapore, Wednesday. The head of state ...

President Jokowi highlights Indo-Pacific concept at ASEAN Summit plenary

President Joko Widodo highlighted developments in the concept of Indo-Pacific regional cooperation during the plenary ...

Igniting the spirit of independence

All circles of society have been invited to ignite the spirit of independence in celebrating the 73rd anniversary of ...

Traditional Indonesian games introduced to US Army soldiers

Various traditional Indonesian games, such as clog racing, tug of war, and nail in the bottle, were introduced to ...

Thousands of foreign tourists come to Enliven Togean Festival

Thousands of tourists from Italy, France, Germany, Australia, and South Korea, among other things, were present to ...

People urged to give Jokowi time to select ministers

A political observer from state General Soedirman University in Purwokerto, Central Java, has called on the people to ...

Pertamina lifts subsidized fuel oil sale restriction

Subsidized fuel supplies are expected to return to normal, once state-owned oil and gas Pertamina lifts sale ...