#25 percent

Collection of 25 percent news, found 1.303 news.

Commodity prices lower than in 2015: Minister

Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman has claimed that the prices of a number of commodities were lower in June 2016 ...

Government issues Samurai bonds valued at 100 billion yens

The government said it will issue Samurai bonds valued at 100 billion yens to raise fund to help plug up deficit in ...

Angkasa Pura II to issue bonds worth Rp2 trillion

State airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II plans to issue bonds worth Rp3 trillion to develop the Soekarno-Hatta ...

Construction of Makassar`s newport 27% completed

Construction of the first phase of Makassars New Port (MNP) has been 27 percent completed, an official of the state ...

Aceh-Pertamina sign Seulawah geothermal shareholder`s agreement

Perusahaan Daerah Pembangunan Aceh (PDPA) and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) have signed a Shareholders ...

Antam cooperates with German companies to develop Pomalaa production

PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) has invited two German companies - Cronimet Holding GmBh and Ferrostaal Industrial Project ...

RI`s balance of trade records surplus of $497 million

Indonesias balance of trade recorded a surplus of US$497 million in March 2016 with exports reaching $11.79 billion ...

RI's exports up 4.25 percent in March

Indonesias exports rose 4.25 percent to US$11.79 billion in March from $11.31 billion a month earlier, the Central ...

RI's imports up 11 percent in March

Indonesias imports in March 2016 rose 11.01 percent to US$11.29 billion from $10.07 billion a month earlier, the ...

BNI chalks up Rp2.9 trillion in net profit in first quarter

Publicly traded lender PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk reported Rp2.9 trillion in net profit in the first ...

Electricity company develops hydro poential in Papua hinterland

The State Electricity Company of Papua and West Papua (PLN WP2B) regions is developing hydro and solar potentials for ...

Infrastructure to provide strong footing in competition: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stressed the importance of infrastructure development to provide a backbone to gain ...

Pertamina cooperates with state firms to develop solar power stations

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina is teaming up with three other state firms in developing solar power generating ...

Rupiah strengthens 164 points to Rp13,231 per U$

The Indonesian rupiah rose 164 points to close at Rp13,231 per US dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on ...

BNI to cut lending rate in April

State-owned Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) plans to lower its lending rate on small-scale credits worth up to Rp5 billion ...