#25 percent

Collection of 25 percent news, found 1.303 news.

Eximbank`s financing grows 42.51%

Indonesia Eximbank has recorded growth in its financing by 42.51 percent from Rp17.38 trillion in August 2011 to ...

Falling rupiah expected to boost exports

PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero) predicted the falling value of the Indonesian currency rupiah against the US ...

PT DI wins projects worth up to Rp7 trillion: Dahlan

Aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) has won projects worth up to Rp7 trillion that should be finished ...

European countries urged to learn from RI in overcoming crisis

Dutch Prime Minister Maxime Verhagen called on all crisis-hit European countries to learn from Indonesia on how to ...

Indonesian Central Bank says to curb high credit growth

Bank Indonesia Governor Darmin Nasution said on Monday that the bank will aim to curb its high credit growth, which ...

Indonesia`s fishery grows faster than agricultural sector

Maritime and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo said the country`s GDP from the fishery sector grew faster than ...

Global Support Increases to Combat Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

- European Society of Cardiology, ESC Congress 2012 -- Over 10,000 patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, ...

Visitors throng Bali Zoo during Idul Fitr holiday

Around 3,000 people visited the Bali Zoo during this year`s Idul Fitri holiday, which is considerably more than the ...

Govt must raise tax ratio to cover budget deficit: Indef

The Director of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) said on Thursday that she has made a ...

Economic observer terms civil servants' pay hike insignificant

Civil servants' salaries have not been hiked significantly in the draft of the 2013 state budget, Enny Sri Hartati, an ...

Mazda car sales hit new record high

PT Mazda Motor Indonesia (MMI), Mazda car agent in Indonesia, said its sales rose from a monthly peak of 1,074 units ...

Indonesia govt encourages improvement of teachers` competence

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has stated that the government is committed to improving the competence and welfare ...

Banks gains ahead of Idul Fitri

All 66 commercial bank branches and 88 people`s credit banks (BPS) in Surakarta performed well in June ahead of Idul ...

Govt not to extend contract of PT Koba Tin

The government has decided not to extend the contract of PT Koba Tin for tin mining in Bangka Belitung. "We have ...

Bank Indonesia says no threat of overheating

Bank Indonesia said the 28 percent growth in bank credits in the first half of the year would not cause economic ...