#a joint statement

Collection of a joint statement news, found 369 news.

World faith leaders to declare their commitment towards the eradication of modern slavery by 2020

•    Faith leaders join their efforts to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking by ...

Religion and faith leaders rejects ISIS

A number of Indonesian religion and faith leaders reject the existence of Iraq Syria of Islamic State (ISIS) as it is ...

ASEAN community solution for security challenge: President Yudhoyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhohyono underlined the importance of setting up the ASEAN Political and Security Community ...

Association concerns over journalist killing in the Philipines

The National Press Club of the Philippines (NPC) and the Confederation of Asean Journalists (CAJ) expressed their ...

Publicis And Omnicom Agree To Terminate Proposed Merger Of Equals

- Publicis Groupe S.A. (Euronext Paris: PUB) and Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC) today jointly announced that they have ...

US Faith Groups Unite to Call for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Stressing Devastating Humanitarian Impact

AsiaNet 56598WASHINGTON DC and TOKYO, Apr. 25 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --On April 24, 2014, Buddhist association Soka Gakkai ...

CEAPAD gathering seeks peace, freedom, development for Palestine

Talks about Palestine and its people often view the country as a disputed land, full of conflicts, extremists and ...

CEAPAD II continuing commitment to support Palestine

The participants of the Conference on Cooperation Among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development (CEAPAD) II ...

A Joint Statement From Avon Products, Inc. and Coty Inc.

- Avon Products, Inc. and Coty Inc. have executed a letter of intent regarding a commercial arrangement where Avon ...

A Joint Statement From Avon Products, Inc. and Coty Inc.

- Avon Products, Inc. and Coty Inc. have executed a letter of intent regarding a commercial arrangement where Avon ...

Buddhist Leader Calls for Regional Cooperation in Response to Natural Disasters

-In his annual peace proposal, "Value Creation for Global Change: Building Resilient and Sustainable Societies," ...

Snowden leaks may be `lethal` for troops

Fugitive intelligence contractor Edward Snowdens theft of 1.7 million secret documents could potentially put US ...

RI hopes crisis in Thailand can be solved democratically

Indonesia hopes that the political crisis in Thailand can be resolved through democratic means, based on its law and ...

American Capital Energy & Infrastructure Commits $130 Million to Nigerian Power Sector

- American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") announced today that it has committed to invest up to $130 ...

APEC ministers agree to multi-year infrastructure development plan

APEC ministers agreed on Saturday to a multi-year infrastructure development and investment plan aimed at helping the ...