
Collection of adequate news, found 2.185 news.

Telkom works on data center cloud computing for digital transformation

State-owned telecommunication company PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is working on the data center and cloud ...

School library important part of learning: ministry

  The school library was an integral part of learning, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and ...

Some 28,000 tons of cooking oil distributed following decree issuance

Some 28 thousand tons of bulk cooking oil have been distributed to the market in stages following issuance of a ...

Minister presses for smarter investment among measures to handle TB

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has called for various measures to handle tuberculosis (TB), including smarter ...

Ministry, BNI cooperate on digitalizing HR management

The Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Ministry and state-run PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) will ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 HWG delegates agree to harmonize global health protocols

Delegates at the first G20 Health Working Group (HWG) meeting agreed to Indonesia’s proposal for harmonizing ...

Epidemiologist highlights importance of booster dose for older adults

Field epidemiologist from Jendral Soedirman University (Unsoed) Dr. Yudhi Wibowo has highlighted the importance of ...

Pertamina should anticipate fuel demand surge during Eid homecoming

House of Representatives (DPR RI) Commission VI legislator Aria Bima urged state-owned oil company Pertamina to ...

South Sumatra continues to implement limited face-to-face learning

The Education Office of South Sumatra Province announced that it is still implementing limited face-to-face learning ...

KPPU unearths evidence linked to alleged cooking oil cartel

The investigation team from the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) found a cartel-related evidence ...

Industry Ministry ensures adequate cooking oil stocks during Ramadan

Director-General of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry, Putu Juli Ardika, has made assurance that cooking oil ...

Increasing clean water access, sanitation facilities reduce stunting

Increasing access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities could suppress the rate of stunting in children, ...

Decline in visits to health facilities hampers TB treatment: ministry

The reduced number of public visits to health facilities during the pandemic has become one of the challenges to ...


Pakistan and March 23

March 23 is a significant date for Pakistan in two respects. On March 23, 1940, the All-India Muslim League moved a ...

Minister Plate pushes general election digitization

Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate called for the digitization of the general election during the ...