#after beijing

Collection of after beijing news, found 1.754 news.

news focus - natural disasters remain challenge to asia-pacific`s robust economic growth b - (d)

Apart from the slowdown of world`s economy due to crisis in the United States and some European countries, natural ...

China media urge "heavy price" for North Korea nuclear test

China should exact a heavy price" from North Korea if it carries out a planned nuclear test, state-run media said on ...

Murex Announces New Signature in China: Bank of China

-     Murex's MX.3(TM) platform chosen by Bank of China to provide a fully integrated front-to-back ...

Air China's Beijing-New York Service Gets Major Boost with Upgrade to Boeing 777-300ER and Expanded Frequency

- A special treat awaits China and Asia-bound travelers from New York on March 31, 2013 when Air China, China's ...

Air China's Beijing-New York Service Gets Major Boost with Upgrade to Boeing 777-300ER and Expanded Frequency

- A special treat awaits China and Asia-bound travelers from New York on March 31, 2013 when Air China, China's ...

Change in Brazil Credit Legislation Reduced Amazon Deforestation by 15%

- Resolution 3545 prevented over 2700 km2 of forest from being cleared between 2008 and 2011     ...

Air China to Commence Chengdu-Frankfurt Nonstop Service

- Air China Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Air China") will commence nonstop Chengdu-Frankfurt service on May 19, ...

Mari Pangestu nominated for WTO director-general post

Indonesia has nominated Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu for the post of World Trade ...

Air China to Start Beijing-Geneva Nonstop Service and Expand its Presence in Europe

- Air China Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Air China") recently announced that starting May 7, 2013 it will offer ...

Nuclear test is people's demand says North Korea

North Korea Saturday renewed its threat to carry out a third nuclear test in the latest in a series of bellicose ...

North Korea faces China aid cut over atomic test

North Korea's sole major ally China will decrease aid to Pyongyang if it goes ahead with a planned nuclear test, ...

WTO must give attention to developing countries: Mari

Indonesian Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu said the World Trade Organization (WTO) must ...

International Building Show Awards BLA, Longfor Properties Ltd. Top Honors

- Bassenian Lagoni Architects (BLA) and developer Longfor Properties Ltd. received the award for Best International ...

Challenges and Opportunities for the Steel Industry in 2013

-19th CRU World Steel ConferenceHong Kong, 4-6 March 2013     "Steel prices have de-coupled from ...

China ships in waters around Senkaku disputed islands

Three Chinese government ships Saturday entered Japanese territorial waters around disputed islands, Japan`s ...