#agriculture minister syahrul yasin limpo

Collection of agriculture minister syahrul yasin limpo news, found 218 news.

Tofu, tempe record inflation amid soybean price hike: BPS

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported inflation in processed soy products -- tofu and tempe -- in December 2020 ...

Indonesia's farm exports rise 11% to Rp359.5 trillion

Indonesia's farm exports rose to Rp359.5 trillion in the year ending October 31, 2020, reflecting an increase of ...

Food estates will not encroach protected zones: minister

The Indonesian government has stressed that the farmland areas selected for its food estate programs in Central ...

Implementation of food estate program is in progress: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed on Wednesday that implementation of the government's Food Estate Program in ...

Indonesia's food estate in Humbang Hasundutan started this year

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo unveiled on Saturday the ministry's plan on developing horticultural crops ...

News Focus

Government links food security to national defense

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has cautioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is posing a serious threat to food ...

Modern tech-based farming to develop Central Kalimantan's food estate

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo affirmed that the development of a food estate envisioned in Central ...

Jokowi visits Kapuas to observe site of food estate program

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) arrived at the Tjilik Riwut Airport in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, and later ...

NLPSF researcher cautiously supports Indonesia's food-estate program

A senior researcher of the Palangka Raya University's Natural Laboratory of Peat Swamp Forest (NLPSF) suggested ...

Minister Limpo to expand Seram Island's agricultural area

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo highlighted his intent to expand the agricultural area in Maluku's Seram ...

Minister encourages industries to produce locally processed foods

Indonesia's Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has encouraged domestic industries to develop and diversify ...

Limpo ensures food distribution smooth to address dearth of essentials

The government has improved the food distribution line to ensure sufficient supply of 11 essential goods and channel ...

Minister ensures rice stocks safe amid COVID-19 pandemic

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has made assurance of rice stocks being safe in the face of the COVID-19 ...

Agriculture minister guarantees sufficient national food stocks

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has ensured that the national food stocks will suffice for the upcoming ...

Indonesia's food balance shows surplus for 11 commodities

Indonesia’s food balance shows a surplus of 11 commodities to meet public demand despite the UN Food and ...