#air force

Collection of air force news, found 1.653 news.

Four aircraft to locate objects may related MH370: AMSA

Four aircraft have been deployed to locate the floating objects in southern Indian Ocean, approximately 2,500 km ...

MH-370 may have exploded at altitude of 10 kilometers: Habibie

The Malaysian Airline flight MH-370 may have exploded at an altitude of over 10 kilometers, Indonesian aviation expert ...

RAAF Orion diverted to locate objects related to MH370

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Thursday that an Australian air force Orion has been diverted to locate ...

24-meter-long suspicious object sighted: AMSA

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said on Thursday that two objects possibly related to the missing ...

US grant of F-16 fighter jets to arrive in October

The first batch of the F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets, which are a grant from the United States, is expected to ...

Thai Air Force radar may have detected Malaysia`s MH370

A Royal Thai Air Force radar station in the southern region detected a passenger aircraft departing Malaysia but ...

Mbak Tutut campaigns for Golkar

Siti Hardiyanti, popularly known as Mbak Tutut, has decided to campaign for Golkar Party and has officially registered ...

President supervises fire extinguishing efforts in Riau

President Yudhoyono led a roll call of the integrated haze disaster emergency response task force, at the Roesman ...

Haze disrupts oil palm production in Riau

Haze from the ongoing forest fires in the Riau province had disrupted the harvest of oil palm fruits, a local farmer ...

Indonesia joins international team in search for missing Malaysian plane

Since Saturday, March 8, when the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing went missing ...

Defense industry must be master at home: President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stated that defense and strategic industries must become the master at home and ...

Aceh deploys a ship to join search for Malaysian aircraft

Aceh provinces search and rescue team has deployed a ship to Malacca strait to help search for a missing Malaysian ...

Indonesian transportation ministry instructs airport to be aware of Boeing 777

The Indonesian Transportation Ministry has instructed all airports in Indonesia to be aware of the possibility of the ...

Indonesian Air Force combs Malaka strait to search missing MH370

Indonesian Air Force Boeing A7303 combed the Malaka Strait in search of the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 from ...

Indonesian on board of missing Malaysia Airline is cumlaude student

One of seven Indonesians on board the missing Malaysia Airline plane is a cumlaude student from Informatics and ...