Russia considers Washington's new anti-Russian sanctions as another hostile step, the Russian foreign ministry said ...
Six multilateral banks have agreed to increase their support for climate change adaptation and mitigation by ...
The U.S. Air Force launched airstrikes on the Islamic State positions near Iraqs second largest dam on Sunday, ...
- The Eastern Health Alliance (EH Alliance) and Changi General Hospital (CGH) have partnered Philips Healthcare ...
President Barack Obama on Tuesday ordered about 350 more US troops to Baghdad to safeguard American diplomats in the ...
- The service of nitrogen production and injection is a measure for an oilfield to increase its production. In Tahe ...
US fighter aircraft and unmanned drones have struck the Islamic State (IS) militants near Iraq's Mosul Dam, said the ...
Russia has temporarily closed 12 branches of McDonalds on health grounds and is carrying out more than 100 ...
Aceh Custom Council (MAA) is launching a forest management handbook based on sharia and customary law compiled by ...
Washington has acquired an unlikely ally in its battle against Islamic State militants in Iraq - a group of fighters ...
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an interview published on Sunday (August 10), blamed President ...
A US general was killed in an attack in Afghanistan on Tuesday (July 5), becoming the highest-ranking American ...
- American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") announced today that the Overseas Private Investment ...
- Great American Group increases its international footprint with large-scale auction in Indonesia -LOS ANGELES, Aug. ...
- Omega Laboratories, Inc. unveiled their newly completed laboratory expansion today, a project undertaken in response ...