
Collection of animal news, found 1.658 news.

Sumatran tiger in danger of extinction

The poaching of Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) for trading remains a serious threat to the survival of the ...

Environmentalists share knowledge on mitigating human-elephant conflict

A group of environmentalists has disseminated information on preventing the human-elephant conflict to the people in ...

Bali Zoo hosts sumatran tigers

The Bali Zoo on the Indonesian island resort of Bali is currently hosting two sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris ...

News focus - Jakarta intensifies promotion activities of Asian Games 2018

In less than a year, the 18th Asian Games will be organized in Jakarta and the South Sumatran provincial capital of ...

Indonesian police provide training to Papua New Guinea police

The Indonesian National Police has provided training to 60 members of Special Service Division (SSD) of Papua New ...

CPO reference price increases in December

The trade ministry has determined the reference price to set the export tax of crude palm oil (CPO) at US$742.94 per ...

Indonesia should not restrict imports too tightly: Analyst

Indonesia should not close itself too tightly to imports as international trade is effective in driving economic ...

Octapharma donates 30.5 million international units of its medicine Nuwiq to treat people with haemophilia in developing countries

- 2017: Octapharma is pleased to announce the completion of a charitable donation of 30.5 million international units ...

Akio Fujimoto's "Passage of Life" wins "The Spirit of Asia Award by The Japan Foundation Asia Center" at 30th Tokyo International Film Festival

-At the 30th Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) Closing Ceremony on November 3, "Passage of Life," directed by ...

Akio Fujimoto's "Passage of Life" wins "The Spirit of Asia Award by The Japan Foundation Asia Center" at 30th Tokyo International Film Festival

At the 30th Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) Closing Ceremony on November 3, "Passage of Life," directed by ...

Indonesian embassy offers bahasa learning program to Cambodian soldiers

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Phnom Penh is conducting a program to teach Indonesian language to 19 ...

Newly discovered orangutan species in Indonesia already at risk: Greenpeace

Researchers have announced the discovery of a new orangutan species -- Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis.

Two giant pandas eat 30 kilograms of bamboos per day

Two giant pandas, a male named Cai Tao and a female named Hu Chun, from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, can eat 30 ...

Two pandas quarantined in Safari Park

Visitors can witness two giant pandas --a male Cai Tao and female Hu Chun-- from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, at ...

Humane Society International welcomes first Asian company to commit to 100 percent cage-free egg supply chain

The Lo & Behold Group, a Singaporean hospitality company, is joining Humane Society International, one of the ...