
Collection of appeal news, found 1.492 news.

TransNusa to open two new flight routes in December

Privately-run airline company TransNusa Aviation Mandiri plans to open two new flight routes in December 2019 to ...

Weekend Stories

Air pollution issues still shroud South-East Asian countries

Despite being home to an abundance of rich natural resources, poor air quality and vast environmental degradation ...

3,500 Papuan youth join roll call as Jokowi visits Papua

Young Papuan generation’s 3,500 members joined a roll call and cultural parade at Swakarsa Field, Arso ...

West Jakarta Court sentences nine drug dealers to life imprisonment

The West Jakarta District Court has handed life sentence to nine drug dealers on Thursday for attempting to trade 70 ...

Police chief appeals against mobilizing mass groups

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian has appealed to the public not to mobilize the masses during the ...

Rp4 trillion for Toba infrastructure development to be disbursed

The Indonesian government will disburse Rp4.04 trillion in budget funding to develop infrastructure in support of the ...

Students urged to not demonstrate prior to presidential inauguration

Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir has put forth an appeal to university students to not ...

News Focus

Realizing dignified world of work through ILO Convention No. 190

The nation’s people were left in a state of shock and disbelief after the case of Baiq Nuril Maknun, a former ...

News Focus

Lesson learned from Wamena rioting

A deadly riot that broke out in Wamena, the capital city of Jayawijaya District, Papua Province, on Sept 23, has left ...

Glamorous camping spot to add to Lake Toba's aesthetic appeal

Lake Toba, as one of the tourist attractions in North Sumatra, will soon have a scenic camping spot, with investment ...

Wamena riot survivors urged to not join exodus

The Papua provincial administration has called on South Sulawesi residents who survived the deadly Wamena riot not to ...

Indonesia levels accusation against Vanuatu for supporting separatism

The Vanuatu government has backed a separatist movement in Papua, an Indonesian diplomat said while responding to ...

Discovering Jakarta

Kali Besar, an ocular feast in the old town of Jakarta

One afternoon in a park around Kali Besar in Kota Tua, West Jakarta, a group of youngsters was engrossed in preparing ...

Batan's nuclear technology tour in October-end to enlighten public

The National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) will unveil a tour on nuclear technology on October 30, 2019, ...

Housewife gets 6 years jail in drug case

The Tulungagung district court in East Java province has sentenced a housewife to six years in prison and fined her Rp1 ...