
Collection of arrest news, found 2.091 news.

Gov't backs use of social welfare data for disbursing subsidized fuel

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif has said that his ministry supports the use of integrated social ...

Minister urges Judicial Commission to optimize supervision of judges

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD called on the Judicial Commission (KY) to ...

Rectors asked not to commit corruption in student admission process

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology cautioned university rectors to not commit corrupt acts in ...

Denpasar Police arrests nine suspected of online gambling in Kuta

The Denpasar Police's Criminal Investigation Unit arrested nine people for allegedly conducting online gambling ...

Aceh BKSDA releases Sumatran tiger into Gunung Leuser National Park

The Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and its partners recently released Lhokbe, a Sumatran tiger ...

Fighting radical and terroristic views through national consensus

With technology developing even further with each passing year, more people are using social media, and the threats of ...

Police apprehend one of three suspects in journalist's murder

The police arrested one of the three suspects in the murder of a journalist in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, on July 19, ...

East Java: Police arrest man, wife for circulating fake currency

A man and his wife have been arrested in Jember District, East Java, on the charge of circulating fake Rp100 thousand ...

Minister's rule mandates mini markets to supply commodities to kiosks

The Ministry of Trade is formulating a regulation that mandates mini markets to supply commodities to kiosks around ...

20 ex-poachers pledge to help stop tiger hunting

A total of 20 former hunters in the provinces of South Sumatra and Bengkulu pledged to help stop hunting of Sumatran ...

Police turn scanner on drug syndicates recruiting housewives

The West Jakarta Police have launched an investigation into the possible emergence of drug dealing syndicates ...

Officials urged to bolster efforts to guide educational institutions

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on officials to continue to guide educational institutions to prevent the ...

President Jokowi plans visit to Japan in July-end

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to visit Japan at the end of July 2022, the Foreign Ministry noted in a press ...

Saving sea turtles paramount to maintaining healthy marine ecosystem

Sea turtles are crucial for a healthy marine ecosystem, though they face risks of being endangered due to human ...

DPR to seek public inputs on medical use of cannabis

The House of Representatives (DPR) will seek people’s views on a proposal for allowing the medicinal use of ...