#art performances

Collection of art performances news, found 118 news.

news focus: Babel poised to host sail Wakatobi Belitong peak event

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province has been busy making preparations for the peak event of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (WWB) ...

Minister Opens "Kemilau Sulawesi Festival"

Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Lasksono opens Kemilau Sulawesi art and cultural festival in Mamuju, ...

Minister to lay SPI corner stone in Wakatobi

Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad will lay the first corner stone of the Wakatobi International Fishery School on July ...

RI ambassador in Spain awarded Estrella De Oro Star

Indonesian ambassador to Spain Mrs Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady was awarded the Estrella de Oro Golden Star from Club de ...

Unique cultural attractions to enliven Sail Wakatobi 2011

Sail Wakatobi-Belitung 2011 is less than two months away while unique cultural attractions have been prepared to ...

News Focus: Trade expo to show true Thailand

The Thai government is to familiarize the Indonesian public with various Thai products ranging from fashion, ...

Thailand again to hold trade expo in Jakarta

The Thai trade ministry and the Thai Trade Center in Jakarta will again organize a trade exhibition in Jakarta, June ...

Malaysia to take part in cultural parade in Bali

Malaysia will take part in the cultural parade to be held to mark the opening of the 33rd annual month-long Bali Arts ...

N. Korea leader celebrated "successful" China trip

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il and his son and heir apparent celebrated the "successful" outcome of his trip to China ...

Preparations started for sail Wakatobi-Belitung 2011

The Wakatobi district government and local people have started various preparations for the region to host Sail ...

Aceh artists stage performances for Japan

A number of Aceh senior artists held a variety of art performances in Banda Aceh on Sunday night to express ...

Kerinci to participate in archipelago drum festival in Malaka

Kerinci district will send a team to Malaka, Malaysia, to participate in the 14th archipelago drum festival that will ...

Jazz to express togetherness of Javanese people in Ngayogjazz 2011

Annual music performance Ngayogjazz will be held on Saturday (Jan 15) rising a theme expressing the togetherness of ...