#bakauheni port

Collection of bakauheni port news, found 131 news.

Bakauheni ferry port sees heavy traffic

Bakauheni ferry port of Lampung saw heavy traffic of disembarking post-fasting Idul Fitri passengers, or Lebaran ...

Motorcycle homebound travelers flock Merak port

Nearly a thousand home-bound travelers on motorcycles, on Saturday, flocked the Merak port, Banten, waiting to be ...

Indonesian private cars throng Merak Ferry Port

Post-fasting travelers cars intending to cross the Sunda Strait to Sumatra, packed the Merak Ferry Port here on ...

80,090 migrate from Sumatra to Java after Lebaran

A total of 80,090 people have until Monday migrated from Sumatra to Java during the post-fasting Idul Fitri holidays ...

Ports still packed with returning holidaymakers

After celebrating Lebaran festivities in their hometowns and villages for a week, thousands of returning holidaymakers ...

Thousands pour into Bakauheni Port

On Monday, thousands of Muslims on Sumatra Island made their way to Bakauheni Port in Lampung to travel back to Java ...

28 ships deployed at Merak Port

The Merak branch of Inland and Waterway Transportation Services (ASDP) has deployed 28 roll-on roll-off (roro) ferries ...

Eid al Fitr holiday travelers start packing ferry ports

It is only five days until Indonesian Muslims observe the 2013 Eid al-Fitr festival to end the month-long Ramadan ...

Travelers expect free service to Sumatra

Holiday travelers to Sumatra are expecting a free travel service to the island. Some of them met at Kalideres bus ...

A main port packed by holiday travelers

Large groups of 2013 Eid al-Fitr holiday travelers from Java Island have begun arriving at Bakauheni port in South ...

The bus station packed with holiday travelers

The Rajabasa bus station in Bandarlampung, Lampung province, was packed by the 2013 Eid al-Fitr home-bound travelers ...

ASDP prepares 42 ferries during holiday exodus

State-owned inland waterway transportation service PT ASDP has prepared 42 ferries to anticipate increasing number of ...

Bandarlampung city legislator nabbed carrying drug

A Bandarlampung city legislator from the ruling Democratic Party, Endang Asnawi bin Jino, was nabbed by police on drug ...

Pahawang Island Offers Underwater Adventure

When talking about snorkeling location in Indonesia, places such as southern Bali area, Bunaken waterpark of North ...

Truck queues at Merak port almost overcome

The long queue at Merak port of trucks willing to be ferried to Bakauheni port of Sumatra has since Saturday night ...