#baliem valley cultural festival

Collection of baliem valley cultural festival news, found 9 news.

'Green gold' and tree bark combine in Papuan woman's coffee art

A bespectacled woman gently picked up the prepared coffee powder and began applying it onto a sheet of tree bark using ...


Baliem Valley Festival in Mountains Papua

Tribesmen in the Baliem Valley wear traditional clothing and carry war equipment while taking part in the 2024 Baliem ...

Preserving biodiversity for a prosperous Papua

The Agirway dancers of Papua performed the exquisite Ballads of Cendrawasih (Birds of Paradise) dance, marking the ...

Indian dancer enliven Baliem Valley Festival

The Baliem Valley Cultural Festival in Jayawijaya district area of Walesi in Papua on August 8-10, 2016, is also ...

Papua`s cultural diversity praiseworthy

The Baliem Valley Cultural Festival being held on August 8-10, 2016, in the Jayawijaya district area of Walesi had ...

Baliem Valley Festival showcases Papua`s tribal culture

Warriors of the Dani, Lani, and Yali tribes in Baliem Valley, Jayawijaya, Papua, usually engage in a mock war to ...

Some 200 foreign tourists attend Baliem festival

Some 200 foreign tourists are attending the 27th Baliem Valley Cultural Festival being held in Wamena, Walesi ...

Papua`s cultural events effectively attracting tourists

Annual events, such as the cultural festivals of Lake Sentani, Baliem Valley, and Humboldt Bay have proven effective ...

Baliem Valley Festival helps promote Papua internationally

Indonesia is not only Bali, but there are a lot of other places with interesting culture and nature throughout its ...