#banten police

Collection of banten police news, found 67 news.

Police readies some 20 thousand personnel to secure "May Day"

Chief of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian Police Inspector General Setyo Wasisto confirmed that 20 ...

Banten coastline prone to drug smuggling

In spite of the heavy penalty imposed by the government of Indonesia, notably capital punishment to fight drug ...

Ship with a ton of methamphetamine fugitive in four countries

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said a ship the Wanderlust allegedly carrying a ton of methamphetamine had been a ...

Police heighten security measures in Banten after elections

The close difference in vote count between the candidates of Banten Governor and Deputy Governor posts prompted the ...

Banten police arrest 70 foreign workers

The Banten Police have arrested some 70 Chinese working for a cement production firm PT Conch in Cilegon, Banten. ...

National police chief to install New Banten and W Papua police chiefs

National Police Chief General Sutarman is scheduled to instal two new police chiefs respectively for Banten and West ...

Indonesia joins global road safety movement to reduce traffic accidents

Driving in Jakarta is very challenging, if not very scary, for some people as the capital citys roads are mostly ...

Search still continues for 14 missing Sudanese off Merauke

The Indonesian navy said it is still searching for 14 Sudanese immigrants missing since their boat capsized in the sea ...

Pakistani sentenced to six years in jail for smuggling people

The district court in Pandeglang, Banten, sentenced a Pakistani national to six years in jail on Tuesday for trying to ...

Sunda Strait prone to piracy : Police

The Sunda Strait, a waterway separating Java island from Sumatra island, is prone to piracy, police said. ...

Jakarta police ready for any possible terror on May Day

Jakarta police are to stand by to deal with any possible terrorist activity during the commemoration of Labor Day on ...

Police ready to maintain security on May Day

The Jakarta Regional Police are ready to maintain security in the capital city during the observance of International ...

Jakarta police to deploy 6,000 men on Labor Day

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police are to deploy 6,000 officers to maintain public order and security during Labor Day ...

Indonesian police gearing up to hunt down terrorists

Bombing action is haunting Indonesia again after parcel bombs sent to three different places in Jakarta last month and ...

Ahmadiyah follower named suspect in Cikeusik incident

Banten police have named an Ahmadiyah follower, identified as Deden, a suspect in the clash between a group of people ...