#banten police

Collection of banten police news, found 67 news.

Police name Ahmadiyah follower suspect In Cikeusik clash

Police have named an Ahmadiyah sect follower a suspect in a recent clash with residents in Cikeusik subdistrict, ...

Police name five suspects in religious clash

Banten police have named five suspects in the recent clash in Cikeusik which left three Ahmadiyah sect members dead, ...

Police find mastermind suspect of Cikeusik incident

Police have found the suspect who has masterminded the clashes between residents and Ahmadiyah followers in Cikeusik, ...

TNI Chief denies military behind Padeglang,Temanggung incidents

Indonesian Military Chief Marshall Agus Suhartono has denied allegations that the military had masterminded the two ...

National police chief installs new Banten police head

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo installed the new Banten Regional Police chief , Brigadier General ...

Police urged to increase watchfulness of security threats

Police has been urged to increase watchfulness of security threats in the society, Chief of Indonesian Police Watch ...

Police Name Two Suspects In Ahmadiyah Incident

The police have named two suspects of the clash between Ahmadiyah congregations and local residents in Kampung ...