
Collection of bed news, found 562 news.

Indonesia turns to EpiC, USAID for endemic guidance

The Health Ministry will rope in international institutions EpiC and the United States Agency for International ...

Indonesia's "radar, universal defense" in transition to endemic

Ever since the lifting of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) at the end of 2022, the development of the COVID-19 ...

Jakarta govt providing COVID vaccinations in residential areas

The Jakarta Health Office has tasked officers from community health centers (puskesmas) with making direct visits to ...

Do not uninstall PeduliLindungi app, ministry urges citizens

The Ministry of Health has asked Indonesians not to uninstall the PeduliLindungi application even though the government ...

Jakarta govt necessitates public transport passengers to wear masks

The Transportation Office of Jakarta has made it mandatory for crew members and passengers of public transportation to ...

Need to implement health protocols despite PPKM revocation: VP

The community still needs to implement the health protocols though the public activity restrictions (PPKM) policy has ...

News Focus

Indonesia advancing towards COVID-19 endemic stage

- the only agency authorized to declare a pandemic -- is yet to confirm that the world has entered the COVID-19 endemic ...

Papua calls for health protocol implementation despite PPKM revocation

The provincial government of Papua urged the community to keep implementing health protocols and get vaccinated even ...

PPKM revocation demonstrates successful COVID handling strategy: KSP

Revocation of the public activities restriction (PPKM) policy proves that President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi's) ...

Jakartans asked to maintain health following lifting of PPKM

Acting governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, has asked residents to continue to maintain good health even though the ...

May reimplement PPKM if COVID surge occurs: minister

Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian has said that public activity restrictions (PPKM) may be implemented again if a ...

Community immunity at 98.5%: President

President Joko Widodo has said that community immunity against COVID-19 in Indonesia reached 98.5 percent in July ...

Pandemic has not truly ended: Indonesian President

President Joko Widodo emphasized that despite the decision to lift the community activity restrictions (PPKM), the ...

Jokowi advises people to mask up despite PPKM revocation

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked people to continue wearing masks in crowded and closed spaces even though the ...

President Jokowi withdraws policy restricting public activities

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Friday announced an end to the public activity restrictions (PPKM) policy, which was ...