
Collection of biak news, found 451 news.

Tribal leaders' support for special autonomy big hope for West Papua

The support for the implementation of Papua special autonomy law and development of new autonomous regions would become ...

Developing Biak to become international maritime hub in Pacific region

Biak Numfor District is an archipelagic region in Papua Province that has myriad natural potentials, including in the ...

People must not shun catfish, underlines health benefits: Ministry

Indonesians must not avoid consuming catfish as the fish provides several health benefits, Director General of Marine ...

Central Kalimantan receives 188,000 papuyu fish seeds from ministry

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry confirmed to have distributed some 188 thousand papuyu (Anabas testudieus) ...

Gov't to turn Papua's Biak Numfor into fishery export hub

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has said that the government is striving to turn Biak Numfor District, Papua ...

PLN completes 11 large-scale power infra projects in Papua, Maluku

State-owned electricity company PT PLN (Persero) has informed that it has completed 11 large-scale electricity ...

Collaboration important for expediting Papua's development: KSP

Head of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Moeldoko assessed that all parties need to collaborate to accelerate ...

Minister seeks regular ship operations on Jakarta-Semarang sea route

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi is seeking to regularize the schedule of ships on the Jakarta-Semarang ...

Minister asks Kendari training unit to help develop skilled workforce

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah has urged staff at the Kendari Vocational and Productivity Training Center, Southeast ...

PLN grants financial aid to hydroponic cultivation group in Biak

The Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) of state-run electricity provider PT PLN in Biak District, Papua ...

Developing strategic research infrastructure to bolster innovation

thermal cycler, real-time PCR machine, Varioskan multimode microplate reader, scanning electron microscope, ...

Ensure new jobs for Papuan native youth: Biak Customary Council

Papua's Biak Customary Council (DAB) urged the Biak Numfor District authority to provide job opportunities for ...

Jokowi welcomes Japan's participation in marine, fisheries development

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the participation of Japan in the development of the marine and fisheries ...

Minister Mahfud reiterates President's focus on Papua, West Papua

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has channeled his utmost focus on the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua, ...

Biak Numfor residents urged to maintain peace ahead of Eid al-Fitr

Biak Numfor District Head Herry Ario Naap urged his residents on Sunday to keep maintaining peace, law, and order in ...