A joint search and rescue (SAR) team located a Bell 212 helicopter flying at 4,700 meters above sea level in Paniai ...
A joint team of search and rescue (SAR) personnel dispatched from Enarotali in Paniai, Papua, Friday, located a Bell ...
owned helicopter was piloted by Captain Endy Nawalaga. He was assisted by Co-pilot Captain Erik Kurniawan and a crew ...
The Indonesian Transportation Ministry is in the process of charting out flight routes for distributing the COVID-19 ...
Kurik Health Center in Kurik Sub-district, Merauke, Papua, terminated services for intensive care unit and inpatient ...
The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic remains a grave challenge for Indonesia’s Papua Province, as 33 ...
Some 134 out of the total 538 people testing positive for COVID-19 in the easternmost Indonesian province of Papua have ...
The Papuan provincial government is striving ceaselessly to flatten the curve of the new coronavirus disease ...
State-owned shipping company PT Pelni (Persero) has stopped the sale of tickets for passenger ships until June 8 and ...
The Papua provincial government has extended large-scale social restrictions in Indonesia’s easternmost province ...
The number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the easternmost Indonesian province of ...
Mimika Chapter Ros Namsa Kabes has urged the Mimika district government and local police to enforce legal sanctions ...
Mimika Chapter Ros Namsa Kabes has urged the Mimika district government and local police to enforce legal sanctions ...
President Joko Widodo revealed that 243 Indonesian citizens evacuated from the central Chinese city of Wuhan are in ...
Several Indonesian soldiers engaged in a gunfight with an armed Papuan group's members in the Kaliasin area, Keerom ...