An Indonesian court recently found a Canadian educator and an Indonesian teaching assistant at Jakarta International ...
German chemical company BASF organized the Rice Innovation Experience Tour in Carangrejo village, Kesamben ...
Minister for State Enterprises Rini Soemarno said the government will protect the state owned steel maker PT Krakatau ...
Two car bomb explosions targeting Shiite Houthi gunmen killed 40 people and left dozens wounded in Yemens central ...
A total of 37 people were killed and 92 others wounded in separate bomb attacks in Iraq Thursday evening, police ...
A suicide bomber on Sunday targeted a vehicle convoy of Afghan lawmakers that included a prominent female member of ...
Three suicide car bomb attacks against offices in a Kurdish-controlled Iraqi town killed at least 25 people on Sunday, ...
One of the two victims from a used aircraft explosion at the Soekarno-Hatta airport on Sunday died due to burns. ...
At least two policemen were killed when a bomb exploded near a checkpoint outside the foreign ministry headquarters in ...
Three people including a security guard were killed and around 15 others injured when a bomb went off near a military ...
One person died when a diesel fuel tank truck exploded in Pekanbaru City of Riau Province on Monday after catching ...
State oil and gas company Pertamina will pay medical expenses to injured victims of a fuel pipeline explosion in ...
State-owned oil company PT Pertamina announced that Jakartas diesel supply is still secure despite oil pipeline ...
Mount Slamet, which covers five districts in Central Java, was reportedly still spewing volcanic ash in the area ...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday strongly condemned the killing of a UN peacekeeper in Mali, saying this ...