#blood sugar

Collection of blood sugar news, found 110 news.

Vice Minister equates Indonesia's diabetes problem to an iceberg

Diabetes problem in Indonesia has exhibited an iceberg phenomenon that necessitates early detection efforts to lower ...

Diabetes management in elderly depends on family care: BKKBN

The severity of diabetes in elderly people depends on the lifestyle followed by their families, Deputy for Family ...

Agriculture Ministry backs Stevia seedling development in N Sulawesi

The Ministry of Agriculture will encourage development of modern seedlings of the Stevia plant in Minahasa District, ...

News Feature

A closer look at traditional food of East Nusa Tenggara

Indonesia is famous for the variety of its traditional food, which is rich in spices and flavors ranging from spicy, ...

Education instrumental in overcoming stigma against childhood diabetes

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) highlighted the need for education and public awareness to overcome the ...

Lungs infected with COVID-19 might take time to recover: doctor

Internist at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD stated that it took time for ...

Posyandu must remain active amid COVID-19 pandemic: minister

The activities of integrated health service posts (Posyandu), which have been reduced amid the COVID-19 pandemic, must ...

Expert outlines three symptoms of Type-2 diabetes

- can help the public seek immediate medical help, an internal medicine specialist has said. "The most easily ...

Understanding 10 lifestyle mistakes that may trigger fatigue

Tiredness is experienced by all, with a research in the US included in the "Journal of Pediatrics and Child ...

Surviving the pandemic behind prison walls

Who would have thought that the insidious grasp of the coronavirus would extend beyond people with high ...

Early diabetic leg handling important to prevent amputation: expert

Early prevention and detection are important to reduce the number of diabetic wound cases and prevent leg amputations, ...

Not a single teacher should miss out on vaccination: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) laid specific emphasis on the importance of no teachers and educational workers being ...

Fasting disciplines children, helps them lead healthy life

Fasting benefits children learning to worship during Ramadan while concurrently instilling a disciplined lifestyle ...

People with heart disease should maintain diet during fasting

A cardiologist at Semen Padang Hospital, dr. Eka Fithra Elfi Sp advises people with heart disease to regulate and ...

Ramadhan: Doctor recommends health check-up before fasting

Internal medicine specialist Dr. Imelda Maria Loho, Sp.PD, has advised the public to get their health checked before ...