
Collection of boat news, found 1.508 news.

PNG military police investigate Indonesian shooting incident

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Military Police are investigating the shooting of Indonesian citizens by their members on May ...

Bali police arrest 80 illegal immigrants

The Bali police have arrested 80 illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern countries in Badung Strait about a mile from ...

Indonesia's navy to have maximum combat ability by 2014

The Indonesian Navy is to have maximum combat ability by 2014 coinciding with the presence of new weaponry system that ...

Death toll from boat accident in Mahakam River increases to 20

The death toll from a boat accident in Mahakam River in East Kalimantan province rose to 20 after one more body was ...

Rescue workers still searching for missing vessel in Maluku

A rescue team resumed search for a vessel with more than ten people on board reported missing since last Friday. ...

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Arrested 6 Illegal Foreign Fishing Boats

     The commitment of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) to fight against the illegal, ...

Sampang police detain 76 Rohingya refugees

Sampang police detained 76 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Tanglok seaport, Madura Island, East Java Province, on ...

22 missing after vessel sank in E. Kalimantan

At least 22 persons are reported missing after Karya Indah Vessel which carries more than 40 passengers sinks in ...

Success story of Indonesia`s fight against tuberculosis

Daeng Nuru from Langkai island, South Sulawesi province, sits for five hours in a small boat to get to Research Center ...

Navy detains 71 illegal immigrants from Myanmar and Iraq

The Indonesian navy has caught a boat load of 71 illegal immigrants from Myanmar and Iraq in South Sulawesi. ...

Spill-over effects of Rohingya issue on Indonesia

As the tension has escalated in Myanmar due to sectarian conflicts between two different ethnic groups, more refugees ...

Illegal immigrants in Rote to be evacuated to Kupang

A total of 50 illegal immigrants from the Middle East in Rote Island will be evacuated to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) ...

N. Korean defector in South crosses western sea border

A North Korean defector who was living in South Korea crossed the tensely guarded western sea border on a fishing ...

Four passengers killed in boats collision in Palembang

Two speed boats carrying dozens of passengers collided in Musi river here on Wednesday, leaving four of them dead ...

120 Sri Lankan immigrants refuse to return to their country

Some 120 Sri Lankan immigrants stranded in the waters off the west coast of Sumatra island have refused to return to ...