
Collection of boeing news, found 716 news.

KNKT has 30 days to find black box of ill fated plane

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) only has 30 days to find the second black box of the ill-fated ...

US NTSB to help JT 610 plane crash investigation

Indonesia`s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has worked on coordination with the US National ...

News Focus - Salvaging Indonesia`s tourism industry amid Lion Air tragedy

The incident of the Lion Air JT 610 aircraft, with 189 passengers, crashing into the Java Sea off Tanjung Karawang, ...

Transport minister awaits investigation into Lion Air plane crash

The Transportation Ministry is still waiting for the result of an investigation conducted by the National ...

Operators told to check airworthiness of Boeing 737-8 Max aircraft

The Transport Ministry has passed instruction to Indonesian airlines to check and examine the airworthiness of Boeing ...

President Jokowi keeps on monitoring evacuation of Lion Air`s victims

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said he kept on monitoring the search and evacuation process of the victims and ...

Boeing team to meet Lion Air authorities on Wednesday

The Boeing Company`s team members would meet with the Lion Air authorities on Wednesday for talks about the crash of ...

Transportation safety commission still collects data on Lion Air crash

The National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) on Tuesday still collected all necessary data related to the ...

indonesian police`s DVI receives 47 more body bags

The Indonesian Police`s Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team has received 47 more body bags and six bags ...

SAR team deploys multibeam echosounder to locate sunken JT610

The search and rescue team has deployed a multibeam echosounder sonar on Tuesday to locate the Lion Air JT610 aircraft ...

Gov`t elements work together to identify lion air victims : Minister

Health Minister Nila Moeloek said all elements of the government were combined, working together to identify victims ...

Crashed Lion Air plane was relatively new: Authorities

A Lion Air plane, carrying 189 passengers that crashed in the waters of Tanjung Kerawang, West Java, on Monday, was ...

Crashed plane was airworthy: lion Air

Lion Air`s Boeing 737 Max 8 flight JT 610 that crashed in the waters of Tanjung Karawang en route from Jakarta to ...

Ministry welcomes Moscow-Denpasar maiden flight

The Ministry of Tourism lauded the Moscow-Denpasar maiden flight on Monday, marking the opening of a regular Rossiya ...

Kalla greets UN Secretary General at Palu airport

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla greeted Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations, on arrival at the ...