The chief of the Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party, Prabowo Subianto, who was Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) ...
CEO and founder of Gojek Nadiem Makaraim spoke of having tendered his resignation from the Unicorn startup since he had ...
- the ruling PDIP, PKB, PPP, Golkar, Nasdem, PSI, Perindo, PKPI, Hanura, and the latest one, PBB -- during the 2019 ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in his inaugural address has outlined five priorities for his second five-year term ...
President Joko Widodo stressed that the task of the bureaucracy must ensure that the people enjoy the benefits of ...
long fiber optic cable network aimed at providing access to 4G services across the archipelago by 2019. The Palapa ...
President Joko Widodo deliberated on endeavors to arrange investment to facilitate a good investment ...
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati expected the situation and political stability in Indonesia to recover soon ...
The government set the investment sector as the main driver to Indonesia’s economic growth target realization by ...
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati drew attention to six prerequisites that can serve as a foundation for Indonesia ...
National Development Planning Minister/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro ...
*Siswanto Rusdi is the director of The National Maritime Institute (NAMARIN) Scores of drafts for the establishment ...
Ma'ruf Amin administration and to apply a system of substantive checks and balances. "The PAN leader has ...
The Indonesian Trade Ministry has outlined a target for the value of bilateral trade between Indonesia and the United ...
The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) increased 0.28 points to 72.39 in 2018, from 72.11 a year earlier, Central ...