
Collection of buried news, found 823 news.

Floods hit four districts in N. Sumatra

Floods hit four districts in North Sumatra Province, killing two people and one went missing, a spokesman of the ...

Policeman`s body arrives in Palu

The body of one of the three police officers who died during an exchange of gunfire with unidentified people in Poso, ...

Supreme Court judge dies

Supreme Court judge M Taufik died of ailment at a Singapore hospital on Monday, a Supreme Court spokesman said. ...

Three people dead after warehouse collapsed

Three people have been found dead while 40 others were believed to have been buried after a warehouse collapsed at ...

Elephant dies of electrocution in Banjarnegara

An elephant from the Serulingmas Wildlife and Recreation Park in Banjarnegara, Central Java, was found dead on ...

Witnesses questioned over death of journalist in Manado

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo said three people are still being questioned as witnesses in connection ...

Gaza doctor shocked to see dead son in hospital

The 46-year-old Palestinian doctor Majdi Na`eim was on duty in the emergency room at Shiffa Hospital in Gaza city when ...

Rainy season sees parts of Indonesia hit by floods, landslides

The rainy season has only begun in Indonesia, which has only two seasons, rainy (November to March) and dry (June to ...

Landslides hit 10 sub-districts in Sukabumi

Landslides have hit 10 sub-districts in Sukabumi district, West Java province, following incessant heavy rains on ...

Officials say Poso remains volatile

The Central Sulawesi district of Poso remains volatile, adding to the potential that terrorist acts might occur in the ...

Whale washes up on Sidayu beach in Cilacap

A dead whale, estimated to measure approximately 10 metres long, washed ashore in Sidayu Indah beach, Binangun ...

Two police officers killed in Poso

Two police officers who had gone missing since a week ago in Poso, Central Sulawesi, have been found dead, believably ...

Security brought under control after attack on Freeport office

Security in Kuala Kencana city has been brought under control following an attack by a group of people on the office ...

Mass grave found in Kenya`s troubled Tana River region

A mass grave was discovered on Monday in Kenya`s Tana River region which has been rocked by three weeks of fighting ...

Two found dead in W Sumatra landslide

Two people were found dead on Wednesday night after being buried in a landslide triggered by heavy rains in the West ...