#carbon emission

Collection of carbon emission news, found 275 news.

Personetics launches sustainability insights, a next-generation solution for banks to help customers reduce their carbon footprint

Personetics, the leading global provider of financial data-driven personalization, customer engagement, and advanced ...

Minister highlights blue economy's role in reducing carbon emissions

Blue economy in coastal ecosystems will aid in increasing the achievement of reducing carbon or greenhouse gas (GHG) ...

West Kalimantan PLN aggressively promotes electric motorbikes

State-run electricity provider PT PLN (Persero) continues to massively promote the use of electric vehicles by holding ...

Minister Hartarto presses for carbon emission reduction effort

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto here on Thursday called for efforts to cut carbon ...

Building a Sustainable, Digital Business

Asia-Pacific is ripe with opportunities for digital transformation, and the pandemic has accelerated it. According to ...

Forestry sector contributed most to reducing carbon dioxide

The forestry sector became the biggest contributor in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) to achieve the Nationally ...

President reiterates climate finance when opening 144th Session of IPU

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reiterated the significance of climate finance while opening the 144th Assembly ...

B20 task force provides policy recommendations on energy transition

The B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, led by state-owned oil giant PT Pertamina (Persero), has ...

Developed nations must help developing ones: Korean Ambassador on G20

The Ambassador of South Korea to Indonesia Park Tae-sung has urged developed countries to help developing ...

Indonesia needs Rp3.460 trillion to cut carbon emissions: minister

Indonesia will require Rp3.460 trillion, or around Rp266 trillion per year, in funding till 2030 to reduce carbon ...

Climate agenda to determine success of G20 Presidency: FPCI

Climate agenda is among the key focuses that will determine the success of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency this year, ...

Forestry sector to contribute to 60-pct reduction in carbon emissions

The government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, targets the forestry sector and other land uses to ...

Future of electric vehicles in Indonesia through the G20 Presidency

Indonesia, while holding the G20 presidency for the first time this year in the G20 forum since being founded in 1999, ...

Indonesia devises strategies to achieve 23% energy mix by 2025

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif has said that Indonesia has prepared several initiatives to achieve ...

Ripe momentum for 5G technology in accelerating Indonesian digital transformation ahead of G20 Summit

- Digital transformation has been gaining traction over the past few years. When the pandemic came out of nowhere, for ...