
Collection of catholic news, found 363 news.

Pope condemns Paris shooting, says stop spread of hate

Pope Francis condemned as "abominable" the attack on Wednesday that killed 12 people at the Paris offices of a weekly ...

Wolters Kluwer Health Introduces UpToDate Anywhere Mobile Clinical Decision Support in Asia

- Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced ...

World Faith Leaders Signed Declaration to Eradicate Modern Slavery

•    On the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery faith leaders have signed a joint ...

World faith leaders to declare their commitment towards the eradication of modern slavery by 2020

•    Faith leaders join their efforts to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking by ...

Vice president says column of religion will not be omitted

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has confirmed that the religion column on peoples Identity Cards will not be omitted just ...

Indonesia Strongly Condemns Israeli Violence In Al Aqsa Mosque

Ongoing violations and violence by Israeli Zionist Jews in the Al Aqsa compound have been condemned by the Indonesian ...

Indonesian Delegation Participates in Interfaith Dialogs in Slovak, Poland

An Indonesian delegation comprising prominent religious figures have left for Europe to participate in interfaith ...

Pancasila serves as value system of life

Pancasila, the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia, serves as the value system of life that has been ...

Continuation of MP3EI depends on president elect Jokowi

Continuation of the Master Plan of Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI), depends on ...

Pope to hold first meeting with sexual abuse victims

Pope Francis holds his first meeting with victims of sexual abuse by priests on Monday, an encounter that some say ...

Zionist might defeat Jokowi`s presidential candidacy: Observer

The international Zionist network might defeat Joko Widodos presidential candidacy, following his statement during the ...

Pope Francis calls for promoting peace initiative in Syria, Ukraine

Pope Francis called for launching peace initiatives in Syria, Ukraine, Africa and Venezuela, elaborating on the ...

Islamic-based parties can form coalition

The Islamic-based political parties have the potential to form a coalition to nominate presidential and vice ...

Sinabung`s deadly clouds claim 15 lives in a single day

Over 30 thousand people across 34 villages have been displaced since last September 2013, as a result of the sporadic ...

Government to offer scholarships to Mount Sinabung victims: President

The government will provide scholarships to the students attending elementary schools and colleges, who were affected ...