
Collection of cemetery news, found 364 news.

Slain migrant workers not forgotten on May Day

The three Indonesian migrant workers who died after being shot in their heads and chests by five Malaysian policemen ...

Minister Endang`s burial to be held at San Diego Cemetery

The burial of Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, who passed away on Wednesday at 11.41 am at Cipto ...

President Yudhoyono to lead funeral ceremony of health minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to lead the funeral ceremony of Health Minister Endang Rahayu ...

Health minister's body laid in state at house of mourning

The body of non-active Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih now still at the  Kencana Pavillion Cipto ...

Organs of three killed migrant workers remain intact

A forensic expert on Friday assured the organs of two Indonesian migrant workers shot dead in Malaysia recently ...

No bad feeling to Widjajono`s

Ninasapti Triaswati, bereaved wife of Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Widjajono Partowidagdo said she ...

Former chief justice Bismar Siregar dies at 84

Former Chief Justice Bismar Siregar passed away at age 84 at noon on Thursday in Fatmawati Hospital in South Jakarta, ...

VP praises adm. Sudomo`s significant role in navy`s progress

Vice President Boediono noted that the late admiral (retired) Sudomo contributed to the progress in building the ...

Vice president master of ceremony at Sudomo`s funeral

Vice President Boediono served as an inspector of ceremony at the funeral of Sudomo, former Coordinating Minister for ...

President Yudhoyono receives British PM

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono received visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron at the Merdeka Palace here ...

British PM to visit Indonesia

British Prime Minister David Cameron will arrive in Indonesia on Wednesday for a two-day working visit until Thursday, ...

President pays tribute to Aburizal Bakrie`s mother

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono paid last tribute to Roosniah Bakrie, the mother of Golkar Party chief Aburizal ...

Six Somalis killed in Mogadishu mortar attack: witnesses

At least six Somali civilians were killed after mortar shells struck their camp for displaced people near the ...

Copious tourist attractions support Visit South Sulawesi 2012

The `Visit South Sulawesi 2012` tourism campaign is touted to be a great success as it is supported by many tourist ...

Ambon Now Cruise Ships` Regular Port of Call

Once torn by a three-year period of sectarian violence from early 1999 to 2001 that tarnished its image and the ...