#certain parties

Collection of certain parties news, found 145 news.

ISIS does not understand teachings of Islam: Mahathir

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad has said ISIS extremists do not understand the teachings of Islam ...

No demonstrations on Dec 2: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said there will be no demonstrations on Dec 2, 2016, because it was only (we have ...

House to issue regulation to curb illegal CPO practices

The House of Representatives (DPR) will issue a new regulation to curb illegal practices and smuggling of crude palm ...

Indonesia`s negative investment list most restrictive: BKPM

Indonesias Negative Investment List (DNI) is the most restrictive regulation in the ASEAN system, Head of the Capital ...

Discourse on even-odd license plate scheme is a setback: YLKI

The discourse to implement the even-odd license plate scheme to replace the 3-in-1 system to overcome traffic jams in ...

Issue of communism raked up to draw public attention: VP Kalla

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has opined that the issue of communism, which came up recently, was not a threat but was ...

Lesson learned from 10 Indonesians` hostage rescue

Ten Indonesian sailors have been reunited with their families following their release on Sunday after they were held ...

Masela offshore scheme confirms Indonesian clout in border region: Analyst

The offshore scheme design for the Masela block will confirm the presence and clout of Indonesia in the border region ...

High-speed train project`s development would require 4000 workers

The development of a high-speed rail project connecting Jakarta and Bandung is expected to require about 4000 workers, ...

High speed train to fulfil Indonesia`s future need: Sofyan Djalil

National Development Planning Minister Sofyan Djalil defended the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway project here on ...

Indonesian minister defends high speed railway project

State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno has deplored baseless criticism by certain parties of the Jakarta-Bandung ...

Wise media coverage needed to counter terrorism

Indonesias capital city of Jakarta experienced a terrorist attack again after five perpetrators launched a deadly ...

Indonesia still needs to import food in 2016

Although it claims to have had a surplus of rice in 2015, Indonesia still imported rice throughout the year and will ...

People advised to eat more fish

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has advised the people to consume more fish instead of other types ...

Certain parties opposed to religious harmony in Indonesia: MUI

There is a certain party, which is unhappy with religious harmony in Indonesia, according to the Indonsian Ulema ...