#certain parties

Collection of certain parties news, found 140 news.

Pancasila serves as value system of life

Pancasila, the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia, serves as the value system of life that has been ...

Presidential election not War of Badr: MUI

General Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) Din Syamsuddin said it was too much to liken the upcoming ...

Religious people in Papua must vote

It is mandatory for all religious people in Papua to vote during Wednesdays legislative elections, according to local ...

Visually impaired demand rights to vote by secret ballot

Within the next 15 days, Indonesian people will cast their votes in the legislative elections, but those with visual ...

Indonesian Election Commission sued for providing no braille templates

The Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) will be sued by several associations for the blind grouped under ...

Secretary General says PDIP is being terrorized

Indonesias opposition party figure has disclosed some terror attacks that the party has received. Tjahjo Kumolo, ...

Legal Process of Surabaya "Death" Zoo Case Begins

The Surabaya Zoo tragedy has dragged on too long, making the zoo notorious internationally for its cruelty. The zoo ...

Indonesian national police deploys 192,000 personnel to secure Christmas celebration

About 192,000 police are deployed to secure Christmas celebrations across Indonesia, stated Chief of National police ...

Counter-terrorism Agency warns people of terror acts

Head of the National Counter-terrorism Agency (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai warned the people on Thursday, of terror threats ...

Police ramp up security ahead of X`Mas, New Year celebrations by andi abdussalam - (d)

The Indonesia National Police has said it will launch a Candle Light Operation and deploy 92,000 officers across the ...

Muhammadiyah says political parties start seeking support

Muhammadiyah chief Din Syamsuddin said political parties have approached his organization to seek their support prior ...

"I will never give up my idealism"

The Constitutional Court chief justice, Mahfud MD, has stated that he will never trade his idealism for a political ...

Indonesian govt urged to protect local wheat flour producers

The Indonesian Wheat Flour Producers Assocation (Aptindo) has asked the government to protect local producers from ...

Indonesian govt urged to conduct market operations

A legislator has urged the government to take active steps in controlling basic commodity price hikes by launching ...

Some parties fanning trouble in Papua

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) suspects certain parties are bent on provoking conflicts in Papua. "We ...