
Collection of coal news, found 1.706 news.

Indonesian coal market recovers

Indonesia coal mining industry revived with demand rebounded including from China, Thailand, Taiwan, a producer said. ...

Minister supports nuclear power plant establishment in East Kalimantan

Indonesia`s Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta is in support of the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) ...

Indonesian government to launch subsidized fuel-free day

The government through the energy and mineral resources ministry is considering launching a subsidized fuel-free day, ...

PTPP Projects Third Quarter 2012 Net Profit to Jump 73%

PT PP (Persero) Tbk (IDX: PTPP), a leading Indonesian construction and investment company, projected its Net Profit ...

Toyota to ramp up investment in Indonesia to Rp26 trillion by 2020

Toyota Group plans to step up its investment in Indonesia to up to Rp26 trillion by 2020 and has set its total ...

IHSG rises 6.58 points in Wednesday`s market

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) opened 6.58 points higher on Wednesday, ...

Berau district head supports establishment of N Kalimantan province

Berau District Head Makmur has expressed his support for a plan to create the North Kalimantan Province. ...

Export value in Jambi falls to us$85,14 million in September

The value of exports in Jambi decreased as much as US$85,14 million in September 2012, lower than August 2012, ...

Jero Wacik asks BP to invest more in Indonesia

Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Jero Wacik has succeeded in convincing Britain`s oil giant British ...

Astra`s net profit up to Rp14.7 trillion

PT Astra International Tbk.(ASII) booked a net profit of Rp14.7 trillion until the third quarter this year, up from ...

E. Kalimantan expected to become strategic economic growth center

East Kalimantan is known as a resource-rich province and is one of the best-established mining areas in Indonesia ...

Rubber exports from South Kalimantan fall in value

Rubber exports from South Kalimantan shrank 41.34 percent to US$74.1 million in the first half of this year from ...

Three geothermal power plants to come on line in 2017

France-based energy company GDF Suez Energy International said it would start construction of a geothermal power ...

Riau`s electrification ratio rises to 60%

PT PLN (state-owned electricity company) of Riau and Riau Islands region has ensured that the electrification ratio in ...

Poor infrastructure constrains investment in Bangka Belitung

Poor infrastructure remains a major problem constraining investments in Bangka Belitung province, an official of ...