
Collection of coal news, found 1.706 news.

BEI suspends trading of Bakrie Telecom

The Indonesian Stock Exchange on Tuesday suspended trading of the shares and bonds issued by PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk ...

Indonesia aims to become business hub through seaport expansion

The government is determined to expand seaports across Indonesia in a bid to set in motion the Master Plan for ...

Wika Power to build geothermal power in West Java

PT Wika Jabar Power, a subsidiary of state construction company Wijaya Karya, will build a 40-megawatt geothermal ...

PT BA to redirect coal exports to India

Publicly traded coal producer PT Perusahaan Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) said it plans to export more coal to India ...

NTSC appoints 2-member team to investigate Piper Aircraft crash

The National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC - KNKT) will be conducting an immediate investigation into the ...

Krakatau Steel secures US$200 M in syndicated loan from China

Publicly traded steel maker PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KRAS) has secured a syndicated loan of Rp1.899 trillion (US$200 ...

Power rates to increase quarterly in 2013

The government will impose a quarterly 4-percent automatic power rate hike beginning January next year in an effort to ...

Elnusa most active stock in Jakarta

Oil and gas exploration stock PT Elnusa (ELSA) was the most active on Monday`s transaction at the Indonesian Stock ...

Tanjung steam power plant to start operating in November

The steam power plant (PLTU) in Tanjung, Tabalong district, South Kalimantan province, constructed by coal-mining ...

Nunukan`s oil reserves bigger than Brunei`s

Oil reserves in the district of Nunukan in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan are estimated to be bigger than ...

President Yudhoyono calls for good management of energy sector

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for good management of the energy sector for the maximum benefit of the ...

PLN to auction 200 MW Aceh gas power plant

State-owned electricity company PT PLN said on Friday it plans to auction a procurement project for a 200 mega watt ...

Failure in renegotiation reflecting freeport`s arrogance:legislator

Failure in contract renegotiation between the Indonesian government and PT Freeport reflects arrogance of the US gold ...

Pertamina ready to do business in electricity

PT Pertamina (state-owned oil and gas company) through Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) is planning to do ...

Delay feared in operation of new power plant in Kupang

State electric company PLN`s plan to operate a new power plant in Kupang this year is feared to be delayed on dispute ...