#commodity prices

Collection of commodity prices news, found 584 news.

Indonesian inflation in 2014 down slightly to 8.36%

Indonesia succeeded in controlling its inflation down to 8.36 percent in 2014 despite recent cut in subsidies on ...

Commodity prices spike following fuel hikes

The prices of basic commodities in traditional markets across several areas of Indonesia shot up after Joko Widodos ...

Current account deficit expected to improve in Q4

Bank Indonesia has stated the current account deficit will improve in the fourth quarter of 2014 as the countrys ...

Jokowi ready to raise fuel prices

While a group of students in Malang, East Java, staged a protest against his plan, President-elect Joko Widodo said in ...

Economic growth tends to drift towards lower limit: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) has forecast that the countrys economic growth will tend to veer towards the lower limit of its ...

BI keeps watch for global economic risks

Bank Indonesia continues to monitor global economic risks during the next few weeks, particularly after the US ...

BI maintains its key rate of 7.50 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) has decided to maintain its key rate at 7.50 percent, which is still consistent with an inflation ...

Rupiah drops 18 points on Wednesday evening

The Indonesian rupiah traded at Rp11,8200 against the dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Wednesday ...

Accelerated development of smelters may boost economic growth

The accelerated development of smelters and the issuance of mineral export permits may boost the nation's economic ...

Stable economic base being prepared for next government

The current government, which will end term in October this year, is determined to lay a stable foundation for ...

RI`s trade balance to see $785 million surplus in December

Bank Indonesia (BI) has forecast the countrys balance of trade to record a surplus of US$785 million in December 2013, ...

BI Governor predicts stronger economic growth in 2014

Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said the country is expected to chalk up a stronger economic growth in 2014 ...

Indonesia`s economy to grow slower

The World Bank predicted Indonesia would suffer an economic slowdown, growing only 5.3 percent in 2014 from an ...

Indonesian SOE profit to reach Rp150 trillion in 2013

State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan on Thursday has said that the net profit of Indonesian SOEs will ...

Indonesia`s current account deficit estimated to narrow

Bank Indonesia (BI) estimated that the country`s current account deficit would narrow to 3.4 percent in the third ...