#community groups

Collection of community groups news, found 200 news.

Vice presidential candidacy the least Golkar expects: Agung

A senior Golkar leader said for the party, vice presidential candidacy is the least to be expected in the forthcoming ...

President Jokowi welcomed by Indonesians in Sydney

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriani were welcomed by hundreds of Indonesians upon arriving Friday in ...

Sago becomes favorite culinary delights

Promoting diversification of food to reduce the dependence on rice, the people of Konawe district in the Indonesian ...

Creating more mutual benefits in Indonesia-Japan relations

The economic cooperation between Indonesia and Japan has been well-established and in full bloom, since the opening of ...

Southeast Asian Muslim Forum expected to boost Australia`s multiculturalism

The Southeast Asian Muslim Forum (FORSEAMA), recently founded by Amin Hady, is expected to increase the multicultural ...

Welcoming Lebaran Day

The Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran Day, which is celebrated next Sunday in Indonesia, is the culmination of the month-long ...

President believes results of agrarian reform to soon be seen

President Joko Widodo expressed his belief here on Friday that the results of the agrarian reform the government is ...

President Jokowi asks police to whop anti-Pancasila organizations

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has pledged he will crackdown on groups and organizations that oppose the state ...

President calls for halt of frictions in community

Indonesian president Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on all parties here on Tuesday to stop all frictions that have caused ...

Muslim demonstrators urged to accept judges` verdict in Ahok`s trial

The National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Councils Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) leader Bachtiar Nasir has asked ...

Ahok claims no evidence indicating he insulted Islam

Incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) defended himself by claiming there was no evidence that he ...

Yogyakarta`s new airport to be constructed soon: President

President Joko Jokowi Widodo has said the construction work for Yogyakartas new international airport in the Kulon ...

Telecommunications infrastructure program completed in 2019: Minister

Communications and Informatics Minister Rudiantara said the government is set to complete the implementation of ...

Religious affairs minister urges people not to conduct sweep

Indonesias Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifudin urged mass organizations in the country here on Tuesday ...

Yearender - Indonesia successfully fights forest fires in 2016

Many inhabitants of Riau Province have a fleeting sense of relief since, for the first time in the past 18 years, they ...