#control food prices

Collection of control food prices news, found 26 news.

Anticipate bad weather risk to maintain food supply: BI

The risk of bad weather to agriculture productivity should be anticipated to maintain food supply and support the ...

BI estimates economic growth to reach 5.2 percent in 2022

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo estimates that national economic growth will reach 5.2 percent in 2022, ...

Vice President distributes social aid to Aceh residents

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin symbolically handed over social aid packages to Aceh residents at the Darussa'adah ...

Control food prices to manage inflation in 2017: Minister

The government should control domestic food prices to keep inflation in 2017 below the projected four percent, ...

Govt to ensure supply-demand balance to control food prices

Trade Minister Thomas Trikasih Lembong said here on Wednesday that his priority was to ensure a balance between supply ...

Indonesian govt must maintain food price stability

Economic observer Aviliani said the government should maintain food price stability if it wanted to achieve its ...

Govt urged to crack down on food cartels

The government should crack down on food cartels which allegedly control food prices, stocks and supplies in the ...

BI: year-end inflation May reach 5.5 pct

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) has predicted the inflation rate this year can be kept below 5.5 percent if the ...

Govt taking measures to curb basic necessary price spiral

As basic necessary prices are soaring, the government is planning to free certain food commodities from import duties ...

Free import duty to help offset food commodity prices

As prices are sky-rocketing at home, the government is planning to free certain food commodities from import duties in ...

President calls for prompt steps to curb food price hikes

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for prompt steps to deal with the recent food and energy price hikes. ...