
Collection of coral news, found 600 news.

Need 50% cut in global emissions to achieve NZE: observer 

Global emissions need to be reduced by 50 percent as early as possible in order to achieve net-zero emissions (NZE) by ...

Sea turtle conservation action plan needs scientific data support: KKP

The formulation of national and regional action plan for sea turtle conservation needs scientific data support and ...

Sea sand exported to prevent sedimentation: Jokowi

Sea sand exports were not conducted due to Singapore's potential investment in the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) but ...

Sea sand export would not threaten territorial border: Lemhannas

The National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) has said that the sea sand export policy, stipulated in Government ...

Mary Kay Celebrates Oceans Week by Reaffirming Partnership With the Nature Conservancy

 Mary Kay is celebrating Ocean’s Week by reaffirming its decades-long partnership with The Nature ...

World Fishing Championship, the First Fishing Game on WEMIX PLAY, Launches in 170 Countries

Wemade officially launched World Fishing Championship, a fishing game developed by Wemade Plus, on May 25th in ...

Indonesia proposes sea surface temperature monitoring at IOC-Westpac

2 Program. The program was one of the topics discussed at the IOC-Westpac meeting. Syahailatua noted that the ...

Mary Kay Highlights the Importance of Women’s Leadership and Private Sector Engagement in Conservation at the World Ocean Summit 2023

 Mary Kay Inc., a global advocate for corporate sustainability and signatory to the UN Global Compact Sustainable ...

Sabang suitable for hosting water sports venue: ministry

Located in Indonesia's western tip, Sabang City in Aceh is a suitable venue for hosting water sports events ...

Ensuring healthy Bangka Belitung seas for better blue economy

Indonesia has been leading on a blue economy strategy as a form of its commitment to restoring the health of marine ...

Natuna looking to attract more travelers: official

The Natuna Tourism Office in Riau Islands province is striving to attract more domestic and international travelers to ...

Zeroboard, Cloud-based Carbon Accounting Service Provider, Raises 2.44 Bil. Yen (USD18.4 Mil.) in Series A Financing

 Zeroboard Inc. (hereinafter "the Company"), a Tokyo-based developer and provider of "zeroboard," a cloud-based ...

Indonesia, Germany launch pilot project to tackle marine litter

Indonesia, in cooperation with Germany, launched the "3RproMar" pilot project that aims to address the issue ...

Ministry readies Rp1.67 trillion for community-based green activities

The Environment and Forestry Ministry will disburse Rp1.67 trillion (US$110 million) to 327 selected districts and ...

Blue carbon studies can support climate change mitigation: ministry

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has said that a study on preparing a blue carbon ecosystem and ...